Qt Creator configuration for PostrgreSQL development

PostgreSQL code is a lot about of macros, which hard to track. Qt Creator allows going to macros declaration on Ctrl+Click.

Initial configuration is extremely simple, just set tab width as 4 symbols. The PostgreSQL code standard defines tab width as 4 symbols and uses a mix of tabs and spaces. It is awful. For example, the definition of a pointer is aligned with 3 spaces:

int     i;
int    *j;

Now disallow Qt Creator to substitute tab with whitespaces while edit. Go to Tools->Options...->C++ and create a new settings.

alt text

Choose mixed for Tab policy, set Tab width to 4 and choose Align continuation lines With Regular Indent.

alt text

The next step is to import project. Follow New File or Project->Import Project->Import Existing Project, specify project name and location, and add to filters .sql, .sgml, and *.control. Qt Creator adds project files:

# Qt Creator files
*.creator.user # Stores per-project user settings

You do not want these files to be committed into repository either excluded with .gitignore file since they are specific to a particular workflow. Thus, the best approach is to add these files to .git/info/exclude file. This file has the same format as any .gitignore.

Ok, you are ready to work with PostgreSQL.

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